I moved to Kiama about five years ago and everything from my workshop was thrown into my garage as I still needed to renovate another house in Sydney. Since that time I’ve been working at getting my workshop sorted and create storage for my valuable tools.

Recently my chisels earned my sympathy as they has just been thrown into a drawer. The obvious result has been that they have been allowed to bang against each other chipping corners and edges.

This week I decided enough of this and decided to dedicate a drawer for my chisels.

Firstly I had to find them all. After that I marked out a place for everything and proceeded to create holders. My Stanley short blade chisels already came with a handy holder that was made for screwing into a drawer. Everything else had a form fitting profile cut in some scrap maple I’d been given. This was simply done with a band saw. The few chisels that have straight sides needed either a stop block that was screwed down or the side of the drawer to stop them moving out of place.

Now if only I can find that 19mm Stanley I’ll be able to sleep at night.