I moved to Kiama about five years ago and everything from my workshop was thrown into my garage as I still needed to renovate another house in Sydney. Since that time I’ve been working at getting my workshop sorted and create storage for my valuable tools.
Continue reading “Chisel Storage”Lessons From A Whisky Cabinet
Lessons learned from my first time building a whisky cabinet from reclaimed timber and veneered MDF.
Continue reading “Lessons From A Whisky Cabinet”Among The Trees – Offcut Challenge
When I was at Among the Trees in Marrickville last month selecting timber for a couple of projects I was asked if I was going to enter the Off-cut Challenge.
With 8 days before the deadline for entries, and only 5 days of casual teaching to be done, I said “Why not!”
Continue reading “Among The Trees – Offcut Challenge”An Unusual Request
At our Expo in March, another member introduced me to a young man who was having difficulty cutting up fruit and vegetables due to the restricted use of his left arm and hand because of illness. He needed a specialised cutting board that would allow him to hold and cut with one hand.
Continue reading “An Unusual Request”Out of the Shed – A Little Challenge
When last in the Old Fire Station Gallery a young fellow overheard me agree to make a chess pawn for a customer; well there was little I could do but agree to make a couple more for him, after all, he asked so politely.
Continue reading “Out of the Shed – A Little Challenge”A Simple Doll’s Cradle
A labour of love for a special great-granddaughter.
Continue reading “A Simple Doll’s Cradle”